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Roots Medical Pediatrics Logo

Call or Text: 303-481-8079

Roots Medical and Pediatrics
6091 S Quebec St
Centennial, CO 80111

Conveniently located in the Creekside II business park.
Our clinic is located in the center of the property right next
to the conference center.

Roots Medical and Pediatrics is located in the heart of the Denver Tech Center, just west of I-25 and Orchard. The clinic is located inside of CreekSide II Business Complex and it is a natural and beautiful property. Located in the center of the property next to the conference center, the offices Roots Medical and Pediatrics is the perfect combination of beauty and privacy. The physical address is 6091 South Quebec St #200, Centennial, CO 80111. For those of you outside of the Denver area, Roots Medical and Pediatrics is thrilled to offer most of our services via telehealth as well. Our website, is set up to answer your questions, let you fill out forms and listen to a variety of past medical shows our team has been part of. You can see several different protocol compliant recipes and check out the staff’s bio under our about us page.

Text messaging: is one way you can connect with us anytime and anywhere. Our text system is through a company called Klara which is HIPAA compliant and allows you complete all of your paperwork from your phone or computer. You can download the app or directly from your browser. This form of communication is just one way to get the process started anytime it is convenient for you. The text line is the same as the direct phone line so you will only ever need to store one number in your phone for Roots Medical and Pediatrics. is the most complete way to connect and review with Roots Medical and Pediatrics. This highly secure, patient friendly platform allows you to message directly with your provider regarding a current treatment plan or new symptom. You will receive an email notification anytime there is a new document like your lab results or a new message from your healthcare provider. is also available in an app or log in directly from your browser. This secure platform has a response time of 24 hours or less but in the event of a health emergency we ask that you call 9-1-1 or go directly to the emergency room. In some cases it may be hard to diagnose your new symptoms through so an appointment might be called for after reviewing your concerns. It is important to note that in order for you to be linked to Roots Medical and Pediatrics in onpatient, you must accept a link from us once you have scheduled. If you already have an account then we will send a link for you as well that will connect you too.

Phones: One of the most distinguishing aspects of Roots Medical and Pediatrics is our attentiveness to the phones. We pride ourselves in the quality of the experience when you call for questions, pay a bill, schedule an appointment or simply find out what they do for their healthcare journey. Our phone system is equipped for prompts in case you have a specific question for a specific department. If we ever ask you to be placed on hold, you’ll be informed about all the positives at Roots Medical and maybe even answer your questions. You can call or text 303-481-8079 and be connected with a live member of the Roots Medical and Pediatric team.

Email: The beauty of email is they can be sent from anywhere and we can respond from anywhere. Although it may be tough to diagnose much through email, our staff will get the message to your provider and advice from there. We want every Roots Medical and Pediatrics patient to know they can connect with us in whichever manner serves them best. Roots Medical will also send out a monthly newsletter on new services, new research, health freedom and more. You are encouraged to subscribe to that but of course it is completely voluntary.


Roots Medical
6091 S Quebec St
Centennial, CO 80111
Phone or Text – 303-481-8079
Fax 720-729-0108


We are located directly in the center of the business property, Creekside II. Each unit is individually operated and looks similar to apartments but these are office condos that are set in a beautiful and natural property. For new patients it can be a little tricky finding us because all of the units look the same and the huge trees can at times cover up the signage but this will show you exactly. The complex has two entrances and either is acceptable as far as parking. The property is shaped like a horseshoe and we are halfway in the property and actually the only suite in the center of the property. We are attached to the conference center, which is a lovely facility that we will hold talks at. Our most recent one was the pediatric vaccine schedule and how it is now 79 but back in 1986 it was only 11. How is that possible? Our pediatric team went through and answered so much of that and more and you will certainly be invited to the next one. The ADA access is on the west side of the property and has a path that will take you to the backside of our suite. Simply keep walking around to the front and there you will see Roots Medical and Pediatrics at your service. If you ever have any issues finding us or in need of directions simply call the office, 303-481-8079 and our staff will gladly come out and escort you in. It is one of those things that once you find it, it will be easy to remember for the next time. Our comfortable lobby awaits you and once checked in, help yourself to tea or coffee as you enjoy a brief wait. Once in the room, you will know precisely that Roots Medical and Pediatrics was a great decision for you and your entire family. Upon check and if you had a great experience, our staff will encourage you to leave a google review and we will give you a $25 credit on the spot. You may also sign up to do a video testimonial and we discount an additional $50. Ask about our referral program and how you can earn free appointments at Roots Medical and Pediatrics.