How It Works
When considering changing or going to see a new doctor, one of the biggest impediments is getting the process started. At Roots Medical we make the process so easy! Scheduling can be done via phone, text, email or online and our staff is eager to help answer questions along the way. If you are wondering, “am I a good fit as a patient?” If you answer yes to just one of these questions, then you would benefit 100% from Roots Medical. Have you ever been impacted by,
- Weight gain
- Can’t sleep/insomnia
- Mood up and down
- Skin issues
- Low libido
- Diarrhea
- Gas/Bloating
- Thyroid disorders
- Recurrent UTI
- Candida
- Mold exposure
- COVID Vaccine injured
- Autoimmune disease
- Nutrition
- Peptides
- IV treatment
- Detox
If you think Roots Medical could benefit you then a phone call or text is all you need to do next. Our team can answer all your questions and go over a typical experience at Roots Medical. Once you are comfortable scheduling, our team will send you the new patient paperwork and contact information request. Once that is complete you are ready for your appointment and we always offer sooner openings should they occur. Our practice can book out at times but usually any extended wait times are for just that first appointment. Once established you will find us very easy to get in with and our patient portal keeps you connected to the practice 24/7.
On the day of your appointment we typically ask that you are fasting and skip any morning medications. If any medications you take that are critical to your health then absolutely take them but skip things like hormones, thyroid, vitamins and supplements. Your initial appointment will be roughly one hour, giving you and your provider plenty of time to review past medical history, current symptoms, the healthcare goals you have and talk about the path to get you there. The testing at Roots Medical can be as elaborate as the patients would to take it. It is common to have the labs drawn right here in the office after your consultation and if any other testing is needed, we will send you home with that or have one of our testing partners ship to you directly.
Most of the testing ordered at Roots Medical takes one to two weeks to get results and that time you would have a second appointment, also one hour to review and establish the healthcare plan for you. Roots Medical is thrilled to make most of our care available virtually or in person at the clinic. If you prefer in person we are thrilled to have and for some patients a virtual choice in the comfort of their home is preferred. We love both options and make both easy to do. For patients that do a GI microbiome, they will have a specific dietary plan implemented as soon as the appointment is over. If you are just thinking hormones are the issue, optimizing gut health can have a tremendous impact on hormones and our providers will walk you through those benefits. Once the nutrition and prescribing plan has started, many patients will be due back in 30 days for phase two of their plan and for hormones a follow lab draw is usually done 90 days later. Once levels are stable and the prescription is comfortable you will draw just twice per year and of course adjust that if anything should change. The goal on any of the nutrition plans is that you move through your plan in about 3-6 months and make progress the whole time. We never want to move a patient too quickly through a program but we also know we want to get you as much relief as quickly as possible. We truly believe we can get all the symptoms resolved and the greater the patient compliance, the quicker and greater the impact of that compliance. The biggest impact is effort in a positive direction toward your healthcare goals and we are going to be your biggest fans in seeing those come true. Although there will be no magic pill, progress and improvement will happen at Roots Medical.
The patient portal is a direct access point for the patient. This is designed for you to ask any follow questions and those questions go directly to your provider for a response within 24 hours. If the question is an emergency, simply call the office and our staff can expedite the request for you. You will get an email anytime there is a new message or document as the patient portal also securely stores any testing we do here. Roots Medical is proud to offer very competitive self pay rates as well as a monthly membership. If you prefer pay as you go then that is a fantastic option for those seeking an appointment for specific concerns like GI diagnosis/nutrition. Some patients are wanting more like a primary care provider in which the monthly plan may be the better route. Either way, you and your family can access highly comprehensive healthcare, affordably. If you do have insurance, we can use that on any laboratory testing, imaging and eligible prescribing. We can also produce a super bill for potential plan reimbursement. Simply ask our front desk for any documents you may need us to produce and that will be gladly done. It is not possible to spend a fortune with Roots Medical and value wise there is nothing like. You can also take advantage of our referral program where we give you $25 per patient you send to us as well as an opportunity to do a google and video review for $25 off each! We want to get people healthy and back to what they love doing and whatever that is, we know it is not being sick and unhappy with your healthcare plan. We can absolutely make a difference in your health and you can get that going as quick as today! Call, text, email or visit